Weekly how-tos outlining best practices for creatives and freelancers. Scroll through the growing library of guides below, filtering by category or theme. And if you’d like to get in touch to suggest topics for future write-ups, please feel free.

Stage 1, Motivation Spike Johnson Stage 1, Motivation Spike Johnson


This is not a time for excuses. If you have an existing job, it’s a blessing. While creating that first project, a steady income is a fantastic thing. There is a freedom in being able to explore, create, and consider without the pressure of needing to sell a photo or a video to put a meal on the table. That can wait until later.

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Get Uncomfortable
Stage 3, Production Spike Johnson Stage 3, Production Spike Johnson

Get Uncomfortable

The aim is to make work that no one else is capable of making, either because they lack access, time, effort, or vision. A first project is an investment in time and energy, but it will pay off. It'll inform your future style and pave the way for introductions to clients.

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Stage 1, Inspiration Spike Johnson Stage 1, Inspiration Spike Johnson


Treading the path toward a freelance career requires nothing but self-motivation. You can cut the ties to your office job, or make some cash on the side through your craft, but how badly do you want it?

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This is Not Theory
Stage 1, Motivation Spike Johnson Stage 1, Motivation Spike Johnson

This is Not Theory

I’m a documentary journalist. I find a narrative that intrigues me and set out to explore the topic in as much depth as I can, whether it’s the genocide of the Rohingya in Western Myanmar, cultural responses to school shootings in Texas, or paramilitary summer camps for children in Ukraine.

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