A twenty-one-page guide for photographers and filmmakers aiming to pitch and publish projects with media outlets.

Chapters include: Three publishing methods, supply and demand, how to price work, finding contacts, a pitch template, making multiple sales, negotiating contracts, and using self-invitation to find freedom.

Free today, ordinarily $49


Over the last ten years I’ve found freedom as a documentary photographer and filmmaker. I travel where I wish, develop my own projects, and sell to mainstream media outlets.

There have been stints working in the jungles of Myanmar, embedding in frontline Ukrainian trenches, and documenting the border towns of Northern Mexico.

My work has published with outlets including NBC, BBC PBS, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Newsweek, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Harper’s, Vice Magazine, Foreign Policy, and Human Rights Watch, and has won funding from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, the Society of Environmental Journalists, and The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.